Kushui Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The type section is located on the east side of the No. 1251.5 highland east of Kushui, Xinjiang. It was named after the Kushui rock series named by the No. 1 Regional Geological Survey Party of Xinjiang Bureau of Geology in 1958.
Lithology and Thickness
Volcaniclastics, Siltstone and Sandstone. Lower part consists of gray-green and purple-gray spilite-porphyritic volcanic breccia, gray-green and yellow-green thin-bedded siltstone and fine-grained sandstone, and gray-green and purple-red quartz keratophyre, intercalated with spilite and limestone lenses. Upper part is gray-green metamorphic fine-grained sandstone and siltstone intercalated with feldspar-rich quartz sandstone and lenticular organic limestone; on the top there are intercalations of phyllite, spilite and jasper rock. Thickness 2678 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Unknown: The bottom is unexposed
Upper contact
Conformable contact to the overlying Baiyushan Fm (not in Carboniferous Lexicon)
Regional extent
Distributed widely in areas north of the Yamansu fault, going west to east from northern Kumtag via southern Yamansu, the Yadong gully, Cuiling and Kushui to Yufeng and east of Baigan Lake.
In the organic limestone are contained Corals Arachnolasma sp., Aulina sp., Dibunophyllum sp., Gangamophyllum sp., Kueichouphyllum sp., Lithostrotion sp., Palaeosmilia sp., Siphonophyllia sp. and Yuanophyllum sp.; Brachiopods Gigantoproductus giganteus, Guizhouella guizhouensis, Balakhonia sp. , Striatifera striata, Linoproductus sp., Plicatifera sp., etc.
Depositional setting
It is interpreted as a neritic terrigenous clastic rock and deep-sea spilite keratophyre formation.
Additional Information